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Friends and Family Portal

October 1, 2021

For anyone who has had a loved one hospitalized for any length of time, the stresses of not being able to be at their side can be overwhelming. Being able to communicate with nurses and care providers in a timely and consistent manner is essential in knowing a loved one is being well taken care of.

Beatrice Community Hospital has partnered with Lincoln-based healthcare software company Nobl Health to enhance this communication between caregivers and families by providing a Friends and Family Portal that offers quick, secure and real-time updates to family members anywhere there is access to the internet.

Using a computer, BCH Acute Care nurses update each patient’s condition throughout the day and securely transfer the information to the patient’s unique web page on the Friends and Family Portal.

To allow the family to view the patient’s information on the portal, a patient-specific four-digit code is provided by the nurse to the family. Family members then have 24/7 access to these updates while their loved one is a patient in the hospital.

Chief Nursing Officer Tasha Hesman said this new system provides reassurance to families about how their loved one is doing and helps nurses communicate without sacrificing time spent with the patient.

“Regular updates provide peace of mind and reassure families by continuously communicating the care their loved one is receiving,” Hesman said. “Family members can feel comfortable going home or returning to work knowing updates are just a click away on their smartphone or computer.”

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