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Community Health Needs Assessment

It is the goal of the Community Health Needs Assessment and Action Plan to describe the health status of the population in the hospital's service area, identify areas for health improvement, determine factors that contribute to health issues, and identify assets and resources that can be mobilized to address public health improvement.


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires not-for-profit hospitals to conduct a CHNA every three years and adopt an implementation strategy to meet the needs identified by the CHNA.


2023-2026 Community Health Needs Assessment Report

2023-2026 Community Health Needs Action Plan


2020-2023 Community Health Needs Assessment Report

2020-2023 Community Health Needs Action Plan


2017-2019 Community Health Needs Assessment Report

2017-2019 Community Health Needs Action Plan


Feedback and Contact Information

For more information about the Community Health Needs Assessment findings, results, implementation plan, or more, please contact


Marketing Communications Department
Beatrice Community Hospital & Health Center
PO Box 278

4800 Hospital Parkway
Beatrice, NE 68310





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